Monday, September 19, 2016

Simon Says (2006)

Ever wonder exactly how crazy Crispin Glover can play a character? If so, this is the film for you.

Simon Says is a story about some college kids who decide to spend a weekend camping at a very remote spot near a minuscule-sized town that seems to be sparsely infested with twins. Unfortunately for them, they also meet a pair of very unusual brothers who have a lot of family issues and one of them likes to play with pickaxes.

Glover plays both Simon and Stanley in the classic good twin/bad twin combo. It's also one of the darkest roles I've seen him in. When I see him starring in any horror film, I expect him to play a twisted character like Willard or Montag in The Wizard of Gore. He's good at playing strangely charismatic but completely batshit crazy characters.

Glover's charcter(s) demand a wide range from him and he rises to the challenge. The supporting characters were stereotypical but still convincing. The violence was clever although the story was somewhat predictable when all is said and done.

Overall, I thought it was a fun little horror film.

Film Information: Simon Says

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